Welcome to Mindy's Home Page!

By some strange chain of events such as falling into a black hole, pressing the wrong button or simply having time to kill, you have arrived at Mindy's home page. Now that you're here I'm sure you'll want to ask me a few questions.

Q. Why did you choose to be a researcher on h2g2?
A. Because it is the third most bizarre publication on the planet, the first two being the Dictionary of Art and the Thematica encyclopedia. As I was mad enough to work on those I guess that qualifies me.

Q. What special experience can you bring to the Guide?
A. Involvement with such obscure publications as Turnpike Roads, Soft Drinks and Mice of the British Isles, and on such bizarre ones as the Thematica, has conferred on me a compendious store of almost - but not quite - completely useless information, such as what sort of equipment you require to enjoy betel juice, why Carolingian script is so minuscule and how the mosque in Timbuktu came to look so curiously like a hedgehog.

Q. Have you ever hitchhiked?
A. Yes, in France, in order to see the painted caves of Niaux before closing time.

Q. If you are a hitchhiker, why do you have a handbag?
A. Because they don't wear out as quickly as jacket pockets. (They also allow us women to play for time when someone says "Shall we go then?" or "Whose round is it?")

Q. Where did you have your largest ever glass of port wine?
A. In the King's Arms in Oxford, but I'd better not say which king.


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Researcher U115155

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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