Morally Challenged Banana

Everyone loves Bananas!ok Well I do anyway and I hope you do to. They are fully of potassium and really good for you. I am currently at glasgow uni studying medicine nahnah
I enjoy nothing better these days then going out with my friends to dance and get very drunk drunk in the bars and clubs around Glasgow. So if anyone out there ever wants to go for a drink just come find me in town on a Saturday night. I'm the one shouting bleep at the top of my voice or walking down the middle of the road trying to get a taxi to stop (i know i really shouldn't be proud of such things) monster.
Generally I'll talk to anyone about anything these days as I usually have some form of opinion on any given subject. Just try not to be too serious with me as my mind works exeptionally slowly if I have to think about things that are too profound.
Anyway post messages to me whenever I'll eventually answer you I'm online most nights after all. In the mean time whenever you see a banana (or a choccie banana) think of me because I'll be thinking of you!......smoochangeldevilorangebutterfly><><><:-);-)......


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Morally Challenged Banana

Researcher U116456

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