Hii Fello Manics

Hello to

The lightbulb joke in its many forms This is Cloned_madman the weird. If you want to join me for a beer in the the The Quallity English Hot Beverage Room!M or MotMV tearoom

My friends are Ford-Prefect, Arther-Dent and Djago but unless you want to talk to a bunch of mainacs don't go near them.

I am also the founder of C.H.E.E.S.E. a guild for the insain at the moment we have 61 members, you can find us at Here.

A mad memmber of C.H.E.E.S.E.
smiley - silly
Join Here
I am chief MAD CHICKEN2
1its a Record!!!2Have a look at the gulid Here

Real Name:Sam The MAD 1
Lives:Yorkshiere U.K
Pets:smiley - dog,smiley - dog,
Fav Foods:Pizza and fish and chips
Worst Foods:brussels6
Weird WEBSITEfrog mania (my website)7

Please leave a message after the smiley - bleep

and if you want to join cheese you can do it RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW
H2G2 Name: U Number: U C.H.E.E.S.E. Name: Fav Type of Cheese: Army at Your Power: Favourite Frog:

3Im half Beltguese4Its a miricle im still alive!5In DD/MM/YYYY format.6YUCK!!!!!!!!!7this is a website about Noggin the NOG Gandulf tarter and pledge for sanity from insane


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Cloned Madman - God oh God Why am I so Bored!

Researcher U1172834


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