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Whoo, boy. It's been a looooooong time since I was an H2G2 Member. Some of you may remember me as "Ford Prefect" sometime around 2000 and 2001. I'm not, actually, Ford Prefect as that would be entirely too cool for words. No. My name is Brad Mitchell, I'm a healthy young human man living on the California coast where they do not, I'm afraid, practice alchemy (although that, too, would be too cool for words, of which I have plenty). I have been an on again / off again researcher for the Guide for several years now, and was almost a member in good standing of the University of Life1 Department of Sciences, after almost sucessfully publishing a paper on black holes. It can be found here, and eventually I'll get around to finishing it.

Now, to pass the time, I go to college, although not seriously, and I see a charming young lady, which is very serious. I also play various computer and console video games, spend entirely too much time on the computer dashing about on the internet, and generally try to keep my stories straight for the police when they eventually catch up to me.

I'm going to need a few days / weeks to wander around the site, find out what if anything from way back when is still going on. When I do, though, I'll see if I can't link some of my previous work. I've posted a link to my (unfortunately still ongoing) University of Life project, and now I'm going to see if I can't find some of my old actual reviews. No. On second thought, they should be posted down below this introduction, but I wouldn't recomend reading any of them. I was a terrible writer back then, and I'm not made of brave enough stuff to go crawling back through that crap. Just look for new articles by me whenever I get the opportunity to go somewhere or do something. *sigh*

Peace, Love, and Crabs!

Brad Mitchell
AKA "Ford Prefect"
Roving Researcher, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxaxy, Earth Edition
1Now closed, sadly


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Brad Mitchell

Researcher U121197

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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