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Hello. My name is PHRED FIRECLOUD.

Back in 2005-2009 I wrote edited entries, Post articles and acted as an Underguide volunteer. I'm back after an 11-year break. 

Reading and SCUBA diving are hobbies. My first dive in 1965 involved looking for Mastadon teeth in the murky Wakulla river near Tallahassee.

I work parttime online as a Russian troll and take other odd jobs that come my way: - Pandemics Quelled - Bridges Destroyed - Low-Level Airdrops Performed - Revolutions Started - Foreign Debts collected - Coffers Filled - Bagpipes Tuned - Saloons Emptied - Earthquakes Arranged

Since retiring in 2006, Princess Firecloud and I have been crisscrossing The Lower 48, Mexico, Canada, and Alaska and living in a 35 foot RV. After 13 years, we burned out and moved into a Florida stick home (no wheels). I visit the RV once a month to run the engine and generator for 15 minutes.

So I'm back, in my old H2G2 space, looking for old and new friends, interesting stuff, thinking about writing something,....

Phred Firecloud

Researcher U1293358

Post Reporter
Former Underguide Volunteer
Work Edited by h2g2


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