Internet's Jukes.

Would you happen to be wondering, "Why 'Jukes'?" Well, it was the name of a character I once played in a community theater production of <i>Peter Pan</i> ("Bill Jukes" the pirate. Being a female-type person, I was possibly the most feminine Bill Jukes ever, despite the lovely and terrifying blue tattos I drew on myself before every performance.) I also played Liza the maid in the same production, but "Liza" is kind of an uninventive nickname, wouldn't you say? I have been in other plays, but the names I was given in those ("Cop 1", "Jamie the Juggler" and "Gobbo the Goblin") weren't too much better. <p>
Actually, "Jamie the Juggler" and "Gobbo the Goblin" <i>are</i> kind of interesting, aren't they? Well, hey...

In case you're champing at the bit for more details about me, here's a quick summary of a few pertinent facts (in no particular order): <p>
* I have enjoyed reading Douglas Adams. (Well, <i>obviously!</i>) I discovered him when I was about thirteen, which is quite a number of years ago now. My favorite author is probably E.F. Benson.<p>

* I enjoy watching <i>Mystery Science Theater 3000</i>. In fact, I would venture to say that it's my favorite TV show. I've just attended a Sci-Fi Convention where I actually got to meet the stars of the show; Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Kevin Murphy and Mary Jo Pehl. What a thrill! I'd advise you to visit their current project, an online humor magazine called <a href="" >"> </a>. <BR/> <p>

* I'm learning to play the violin. My current project on the violin is learning to play the song "The Sound of Music"</i>.<p>

* I enjoy watching films which feature James Cagney and/or The Bowery Boys. <u>Especially</u> <i>Midsummer Night's Dream</i> of 1935, <i>Angels With Dirty Faces</i> and <i>Spooks Run Wild</i>.<p>

* I like taking part in community theater projects. So far I've performed in four plays and worked as 'crew member' in a production of <i>The Sound of Music</i>, which was a whole lot of fun.<p>

* I've unexpectedly just become a college student! I suppose 'unexpectedly' is a slightly deceptive word, in that I did actually have a bit of an inkling that I would become a student, but it just happened a whole lot quicker than I expected. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to study, although I figure it will have an artsy, theatery, englishy bent.

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Hi there! Jun 27, 2000


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Researcher U133516

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