
thanks for stopping by!

I guess I should tell you about myself huh??
Ok...Where do I begin?? How about some background knowledge..
Basically, I have 3 main passions--learning, eating, and going out to places. Yes, I am one of those people who absolutely love school. I am currently a junior at West Covina High and plan to become a teacher sometime in the near future. Preferablby a social science or english teacher since i love history and people profusely and yet I have a love for writing.
I love to hike and go to the beach with our very own GEO Club at WCHS. Recently, I got poison oak from a hike to Leo Carillo (3/31/01) and that wasn't exactly the best feeling in the world. My favorite place to go with GEO would definitely be the Bridge to Nowhere Hike! Yup, I'm a great outdoorsman!!
I also love to watch japanime, also known as japanimation or anime. Lets just say I'm an expert in those fields. I also enjoy swimming and talk to people a whole lot!!
Traveling is also something I love. The place I currently want to go to the most is the island of Madagascar.
Another thing I like to do is watch movies. From the classics to the latest flicks, I like 'em all! Roman Holiday, Rebecca, Citizen Kane, and The Wizard of Oz would be on my classic favorites list. As for modern movies, I liked Good Will Hunting, The Grinch, Traffic and of course Chocolat. I also like foreign films; maybe it's just the aspect that they're not in English...but for those, my favorites are Purple Noon, Run Lola Run, and The Red Violin.
As for eating, Italian food has got to be the best although, Spanish cuisine is extrememly good too (gotta love that paella!!)I will eat mostly everything edible on this planet but I do love good food.
How about some ethnic background?? ok..I'm a japanese girl and am currently living in West Covina, CA. I'm 5'6 1/2". Brown hair a and eyes. I'm on the swim team and in drama and I love every moment of it.

Ok...thats all for now...I'll write some more as it comes to me...


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