Pop culture junkie - Beware

Okay, it gets scary from this point on.

Welcome to my little domain, as I hope I can point out a few of the things that makes heffalump the little heffalump that he is. (Obviously one of those things is Winnie the Pooh, but more about that later...)

My world is one full of pop culture. Well, I guess everyone's world is one full of pop culture, but I seem to immerse myself in more of it than most people I know, so there. A media student from Bournemouth, who aspires to be an aspiring writer and once aspired to be a television director, I have spent most of my adult life still obsessed with the same things I was obsessed with as a child. TV and comics. In fact, my daughter often is placed in the unenviable position of looking down on her father as he gloats maniacally over the exciting find of rare Spiderman comics or a new Justice League title.

And my partner can't understand it at all.

But I don't think it is the comics or the cult TV programs in themselves that fascinate me so much. I mean, I can see how tacky some of them are, just as much as the next man. I think the fascination comes from wanting to understand the pop culture sensibilities behind our modern media constructs. The media never fails to thrill and appall me. It is the most powerful force in the world today. Yet, most people are quite content to allow it to dictate ideas and propaganda to them.

The ideology behind these media constructs enthralls me, so that when I read that hilariously patronising old Superman comic, I'm more interested in the writer's motives and the deconstruction of the expectations of a bygone readership than I am in whether Supergirl is going to get Comet the Superhorse to keep her secret identity!

Maybe, with some of my contributions here, I can convince more people to look at modern pop culture in a different light.

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Belated greetings Jul 8, 2000


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Researcher U138528

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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