The Spen

Here is great fun for anybody who sits in front of a computer for long
periods of time. First, take an ordinary pen, remove the plug on the ass end, then chew the end a bit so it is a bit pliant Basics Brand Medium pens work excellently. Now, take a metal push pin (not the flat kind, the kind that has the little handle jobby) Now stick the handle in the open ass of the pen. Now you have a pen with a spike on it.

What use is this?

1) You can drop it endlessly and be amused as it sticks into your desk.
2) You can throw it at walls and be amused as it sticks into your walls.
3) You can use it as a scientific instrument. (My friend Steve informed me of this, I don't know what they do with them, but I assume it has something to do with torturing moths.)
4) Um, you can use it to turn a piece of black construction paper into a map of the constellations.
5) Poke your friends.
6) Poke yourself.
7) Scratch graffiti into assorted surfaces (Kilroy was here)
8) Make your own records...
9) fondue...
10) Clean your finger and/or toenails
11) Throw it at children and animals.
12) Annoy ZAX's brother.

Not to mention all of the myriad uses of a simple pen, you are pretty much
guaranteed a good 6 minutes of fun.


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Matt the Rat

Researcher U142711

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