Caragan's Space...

Welcome to my space - it's not very big but it's perfectly formed!


Here's a little list of six fascinating facts about me that I don't mind potentially psycotic strangers knowing...

  • I was born in the year of the rabbit, in the month of the bull. These are not very appealing signs, so I refuse to believe in horoscopes and astrology (my grandmother can read tea-leaves though, and she did once give me a Ouiji board, but that's different),

  • If the city I live in was a country, its population and economy would make it the sixth largest in Europe

  • I have two passports, from islands off two continents on either side of the equator, thus I am half Celt and half Creole.

  • My real name means the same thing as the name of a place that a certain former American president hails from... It also features quite prominently in Alexander Dumas' most famous novel - but not as the name of a character.

  • I went to University in a city with more canals than Venice, and a very big Bullring.

  • I've worked (in no particular order) for two shops, one stable, one library, one market, three schools , four bars, two nightclubs, two theatres and two publishing houses...
    This doesn't make me old, though, just a little flighty.

Gold Medal


These links are por moi, as I keep forgetting where the damn things are...

The Smileys page
The GuideML page
The University Field Researchers Home Page
What am I Talking about??

Web Linkage

These are a few of my favourite sites...
Dude Studios - home of the Star Dudes Saga
The Establishment for everything about Peter Cook, and quite a bit about Dudley Moore - the two funniest men ever.
Michael Moore's homepage - he might use capitals and italics A BIT TOO MUCH, but he makes you think. I am not throwing away my store loyalty cards though. Sorry Michael.
Future Forests - how to become carbon neutral and a very good person
The Late Tube Petition is another worthy cause for Londoners - a petition demanding that the Tube be kept running until at least 3am on Friday and Saturday nights (imagine a world without nightbuses...)


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