Idlevice- a Pretentious and Self-Indulgant Introduction

Hello, you!

My real name is Chris Wilson. I alaways call myself 'Idlevice' online, so its easy to remember for me. I am 18 years old, I live in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland. Why not come visit some time? (actually, I could give you thousands of reasons)

Anyway, I have just left school and have started my A2 exams, comprising of English, Politics and ICT. Afterwords, I wish to seek my fortune in the music industry, but instead I'm going to study it.

Well, any other information is available on request. Actually, that 'any' isn't mexactly accurate, but feel free to ask whatever you like, assuming you have some way of contacting me.

I enjoyed this little chat. We must speak again later.


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