"Unbridled, Undaunted, Untamed... I am the wind".~ I said that, believe it or not

You're lost amidst a cold, thick fog that limits your sight to little more then a few feet in front of you. You suddenly begin to hear a flute play in front of you. It's a beautiful, sweet melody, as strong willed as a creature of the air and as wistful and gentle as the cold winter breeze that blows at your back. The fog separates in front of your eyes and you find you're in a lush, thick forest, lavish with dark green plants that carry a thick wet smell, and brightly colored flowers of alien beauty.

In the middle of the clearing, you see a creature the likes of which you've never seen on this planet (or any other) sitting on a large rock in front of you. He removes the silver flute from his pearl white beak and grins gently at you, despite the fact that any bird you've seen lacks such ability. Armor made of a metal that looks like silver but shines like glass covers his body, and a large blue blade rests at his side, though he assures you he refuses to use it unless you try to hurt him. His off-white feathers are smoothed out against his head, and his cobalt eyes shimmer with a noble personality. His immense cream-colored wings are folded behind his body, and long, beautiful silver hair comes from his head and, like waves of the sea, curl down to his hips. He glides down from the rock to introduce himself. His name his Draco, and he'd like nothing more then to welcome you to his humble forest.

Just then, the fog machine breaks and Draco looks behind him nervously, hearing his human mother yelling from seemingly everywhere and nowhere at all. He quickly reverts to his frail human guise as some loser who goes by 'Crow', and runs off before he's late for school.


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White Crow Draco

Researcher U160371

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