
Hi I'm a friendly nobody without a name who everybody calls Lizza. Below I will write a little about myself.

Ok so now you know everything or nothing about me depending on how you view the above space.

My best friends are numerous. So I won't name them all, it would take too long. I could just name the poeple I detest...sorry it's not a very interesting list.


I have to be one of the queens of the ability to say daft things. Especially ones that no-one understands. Considering my hair colour its not suprising. The phrase I'm not blonde; I'm yellow came from the fact that I decided that really stupid blondes would call themselves yellow. That would mean that as they no longer thought themselves blonde they would no longer be stupid. I was an attempt to make myself cleverer. Unfortunately by calling myself yellow it makes me really stupid so I become a blonde again.

None of that was supposed to make sense but never mind.
Other comments of mine that have greatly puzzled people but wich I understant perfectly (prehaps because I'm a stone) include:
Too many trees, not enough barks.
I can't roll; I'm a virgin.
and Sarah is allways right apart from when she's wrong

And this is my little phrase by sarah I'm not stoned on Wednesdays

The Joke's On Us!

he he we put on a play. it was a murder mystery by the Farndale Townwomens Guild. If you ever get an oppertunity to see it then go. Basically it is a play where everything goes wrong i.e. scenery falls down, people forget their lines etc. To the audience it is not a particularly clever play but that is part of its brilliance anyone can watch it and you don't have to be intellegent to enjoy it. And lets face it - watching people make a fool of themselves is the most amusing thing - it is after all the foundation that all jokes are based on. But this is better because without mentioning social class, race or age this play is the funniest thing to watch and even funnier to perform.


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