Poetry direct from the optic nerve

Night sky:   Viking Bay | Mars Opposition | International Space Station
Animal magic:   Somerset Pork | Blackbirds | Mostly Brown Cows | Cochineal
Spring:   Dartmoor Bluebell Lawn | Tarka Trail Spring | The House Down the Hill on the Edge of the Wood | Cardiff Spring
Summer:   Three Decidedly Different Devon Days | Four Black Cats Sit and Stare Back | Smart Shiny St Helier City Slickers
Autumn:   A Grey Day in Devon | Another Grey Day in Devon | Tarka Trail Autumn
Christmas:   Christmas Tree | Gingerbread Kid Tree Decorations
Other:   Coffee

Erm, I'm not a poet.

By any stretch of the imagination. Having said that, I've written a few (very) short collections of words which occasionally rhyme, which I wanted to put somewhere they wouldn't get lost. Here seemed like a good place.

I see things in nouns and colours. Maybe we all do. Maybe (more likely) you're thinking I'm a freak! This poetry describes what I see, exactly as I see it - in nouns and colours.

smiley - ermOptic Nerve

(But who actually am I? I'm thirtysomething, married with 2.0 kids and a dog, living in Devon because taking the missus and nippers on holiday there four times a year just wasn't enough. I'm also Paff).


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optic nerve

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