Some people have too much time on their hands

Unfortunately, I'm not one of them...

I used to work at h2g2 as Research Developer, but I moved on in January 2001 to Red|Hot|Chilli as a Senior Developer in their Mobile Data and Wireless Team. Unfortunately, they went bust in July 2001 and I moved on to Kizoom as an Extreme Developer1. They got bought out in 2009 and I moved on to The Cloud.

Previously to all that, I spend a year and a half in Denmark, enjoying being a student in a country that celebrates beer on a grand scale :-)

Why Denmark? is the question that people usually ask me at this point. The answer can only be "Why not?" ... and the fact that all Danish university courses are totally free2.

For more on what I'm interested in or working on, have a look at my blog.

1See for an explanation -- it's not as wild as it sounds...2The trick is finding a course in English.


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Adam C-R

Researcher U168477

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