intro to the concept of schuremness

In this small and introductory piece i shall try to explain what and who i am, and try to give meaning to my quite meaningless nickname.

so what is a schurem? are there more than one schurem in the universe or even on this planet? can one eat a schurem?

first; a schurem is a bipedal carbon-based lifeform that resembles a human male in the prime of his twenties. it has a great love for coffee and oranges. it speaks a language comprised of irreproducible amounts of vowels when among it's peers and english when online.
second; i wouldn't know about all the other schurems that are wandering the galaxy, for i'm firmly stuck on this mostly harmless planet, without means of communication to the rest of galactic civilization. i can say with certain certainity that i am quite lonely in my schuremness on this planet.
third; schurem's are quite tasty when well cooked and served with the right spices. i would, however, implore you to refrain from exploring the culinary aspects of schuremness, for eating a schurem would probably involve killing one, and as i am the only one on this planet, that would mean me. quite obviously i wouldn't really appreciate being eaten.

the best place to find schurems would be the netherlands, or the low lands as they are called. because of the fact that schurems are descendants of a birdlike species, it's quite common to find one looking up at the skies with a yearning expression on it's face. it would therefore be quite natural to find them employed in the aerospace bussiness were it not for their uncurable short-sightedness.

why is this dude calling himself schurem not in some mental institution?

well that's easily answered: he only shows his schurem in the relatively safe environment of cyberspace, the internet. in normal day to day life a schurem is fairly adept at mimicking a normal human male, even to the point of holding jobs, courting human females and riding bikes.

for a final note i'd like to say eeeEEEAAAaaauuuuwwaaaaooooooeeeeerrrraaaaaaiiioooooooogggh
roughly translated as: thanks for reading all this, and i'll try and think up some more posts in the future. hope you liked it.



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