GH 007.25's den

I usually introduce myself as an out of work, incompetent musician earning a crust from a more mainstream, possibly pedestrian profession (we don't need to go into that here).

I grew up and was educated in the North and Midlands of England where I became passionate about food from a very early age. Later in life (early teens) I discovered my second passion - rock (especially heavy, progressive and folk rock), folk, jazz and a (relatively)limited range of classical musics.

I discovered Douglas Adams and the Hitch Hikers Guide around this time.

Still later in life - but still pretty early - I developed a love and appreciation of many things alcoholic (a development of my love of food I guess) - particularly English real ale. To put my money (not that I had much...) where my mouth was, I joined CAMRA - the Campaign for Real Ale.

In the early 90s job opportunities took me to where I now live - Wellington, New Zealand. Real ale just didn't exist here then. Things have improved substantially since - though only 1 or 2 of our brewers make real ale by its strict definition. This real ale drought caused me to widen my alcoholic expertise. NZ has an exciting, rapidly developing, wine industry and I have got right into that! I have also broadened my interest in, and knowledge of, international beers and brewing traditions.

Wellington also has a great range of high quality, good value eating places. Coffee to make England ashamed (hmmmm - not difficult really), cafes to love, fine dining as good as anywhere (except one or two places maybe...), food to die for. I am in my element!!

Musically, no-one seems to come here - but CDs are universal and my tastes have continued to diversify - much to the bemusement of my more mainstream friends.

So what would I write about?

NZ Wine industry ( though some aspects are already covered quite well by others)
Beer styles
Musical styles and connections
Musical artists (mainly rock and folk rock)
The Ultimate question of Life, the Universe and Everything

Cheers and have fun!


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GH 007.25

Researcher U179372

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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