Chaos Ensues

Looking back through other things I have written about myself, I've found that I haven't had much useful to say. The profiles are often full of strange anecdotes that give a glimpse of what I let those people who don't know me see. For a person who likes to analyze and describe other people, I can't get a good grasp on myself.

In general, people find my to be good natured and a pleasant conversationalist, though there are always exceptions. My sense of humor is ever present in my life, as it tends to permeate everything I do (excluding serious situations), and unfortunately resembles that of my father. In short, I make far too many stupid jokes where I am the only one laughing. I love it.

I wish to be a good writer and generally funny person, but have a feeling that I need to be better read and slightly more intelligent for that to happen.


Hope this all works out,

--Curly Andy


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