Me and mine... (motorcycles included)

I'm B-a-c-k!  It has been a while...

I'm a Neo-fossil tongueout on the wrong side of +1-(8x3)-7+(9x8)=42
Married (very happily)biggrin for 36 years with 3 kids (B,B,G) and one grandson.
Architect, civil servant, South African peacedove
Avid biker with a work problem.

My wife is a primary school teacher angel.
I have 3 Bavarian mistresses devil....
They're all R80 G/S and GS BMW motorcycles that seduce me away from home occasionally biker for the odd "dirty weekend".
I also have a newer R1200GS that will take me to more places along any type of road ...biggrin
But my favorites are the R80's - AIRHEADS ARE AN ADMIRABLE ADDICTION!

Why Wrinkled Rocker? Until a decade ago I played and sang in a seven-piece rock band, re-living our youth peacesign by rocking, rolling whistle and playing blues.

My preferences in life:
I love the outdoors, vast open spaces and winding roads...riding one of my motorcycles!biggrin
I prefer sunrises to sunsets,zen beginnings to endings.
I love the sound of rain on a tin roof when I'm curled up under the duvet, or on the canvas of the tent when I'm in a sleeping bag. zzz
I enjoy cooking chef and eating burger hotdog corncob popcorn but hate washing dishes! sadface

Some popular biker wisdom:
"The destination of the journey is just the excuse - riding is the reason"!

"New bikers pick a destination and ride there.
Old bikers just pick a direction and ride..."

"Nothing clears your head like a ride on a motorcycle. Sometimes it take a whole tank of fuel before your head is cleared."

"Four wheels move the body - two wheels move the soul!"zen

When you see a biker out on the road - remember we're not riding because we can't afford better transport.
We ride because we choose to live our passion as a lifestyle.
If you can't understand us, just smile and give us space to pass by...


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Wrinkled Rocker

Researcher U183798

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