Kellirac: The Man, the Myth

Well, there really is no myth. I'm just Kellirac, a new researcher and co-founder of the National Waste Paper Basket Sports Association.

I suppose that I should share a bit about myself. So please, just try to look interested in what I have to say.

Well, I am currently obsessed with rugby, which is odd since I'm an American. Strange, but true. I'm also obsessed with Cricket, which is the cause of some major frustration in my household. After all, how likely am I to find a Cricket bat here in Ohio, USA? (About as likely as someone in Prague finding a Lacrosse stick, I'd imagine. Oh yeah, Lacrosse is another obsession of mine.)

Some things about me:

Favorite Drink: Root Beer (with no ice)

Currently Reading: Heraldry Explained by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies

Favorite TV Shows: Conquest, Robot Wars, Battlebots... which is no longer airing :(

What I'm listening to now: "Baka" by Outback

Hobbies: Collecting and building Legos with my son, building and painting models, reading, playing computer games, playing the dijeridoo

This list will be updated regularly... at least, that's my goal! :)


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