

I live and bilnk in Glasgow, Scotland (the wee rainy country that never wins at football) and I spend most of my day's earning money as a software engineer or computer programmer ! I do like Star Trek but I am by no means a Trekkie, so although at a distance you might consider me a geek I do lack the one basic qualification needed to be a true computer programmer. This has hampered my career somewhat but I will survive.

I read quite a lot although I am still good looking and I do admit to practising many alternative forms of cheese cutting; however you may feel about this the end results are just as tasty as normal methods.

Many people call me insane or deranged but to me the need to classify others through categorisation and linguistic labels appears far crazier than I ever could. I generally call these people sane back thereby proving a point that insane people need to be constantly reassured of their egotistical sense of well being in order to prevent them from acknowledging their true mental illness.

I have hobbies like everyone else, these include such things as psychology, quantum mechanics, Zen, Tao, hypnosis and music creation through the power of synthesisers and drum machines.

Although life as an all seeing eye has many advantages it does cause extreme problems when ordering my contact lens and when at the beach.

blinks in a way that says goodbye and come again

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A huge all seeing pulsating eye

Researcher U191246

Work Edited by h2g2


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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