
i woz born in 1978 an went too skool four sum tim. i disidid too becum a risercha becos i am so gud at englis. yoo will find mi spayse very intrestin cos i am cleva. it wil b az gud az thiz introdukshon.

I might write some more about myself one day, but only if someone asks. I can't see that a list of my own like and dislikes would interest anybody - why should it?

That said, you will understand me more if you know that I am obsessed with TV presentation. I read Transdiffusion's EMC Magazine every month. I'd also like you to visit TV Ark and The TV Room. You probably still won't understand why I find them fascinating. Personally, I think it's because I've no attention span, and they're the shortest things on telly.

Then again, I also read Off the Telly as well, so who knows?

And yes, I have just put those links in so I can use them myself.

best regardz,

A leg

Sorry, my name? When DNA himself sent off an early plan for what became So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish, it included Wonko the sane and his Incredible Asylum; A Lorry Driver who has a unique reason for complaining about the weather; the world's greatest clam opener; Zaphod Beeblebrox, at least one of whos heads is saner than a [can't remember this bit] on acid; Marvin the Paranoid Android, for whom even the good days are bad; and Introducing... A Leg

(Everything you see in my space I consider to be copylefted. Feel free to take it and use it on your own work, on the sole condition that you do not put a copyright on anything for which you use this work. Such an action will violate the copyleft. All your work you use my work in must also be copylefted.)

(That does not necessarily apply to work I've done for other people's University projects.)

I'm a Brunel Fan!
Brunel: Skin of the Future

ARS: I don't believe it!


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And Introducing... A Leg

Researcher U194118

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