...I have been coming in and out of here for quite a while now and have even made some humble contributions to this intriguing website. Although I am British, I have spent almost half of my life living in Barcelona, Spain, which incidentally, I smiley - . I cannot envisage living anywhere else at the moment although I am always open to suggestions (polite ones please)smiley -

Just so you have an idea of what interests me, as I teach English I love everything about the language and its literature. Library books on a shelfI can never get enough of John Keats "Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness!" It's music to the ears! smiley - bluebutterfly

I also like the works of Shakespeare and Cervantes (Don Quijote). Did you know they died on the same day, the 23rd of April 1616? The 23rd of April also being Saint George's Day! For lighter reading I enjoy whodunnits, namely Agatha Christie, Elizabeth George, Patricia Cornwell, and many others. I also enjoy reading biographies, Frida Kahloe and Camille Claudel are among my favourites. Let's just say that reading is one of my passions. Two members of a mariarchi bandListening to music is another (just about every kind except opera)as is cooking, especially oriental food,Japanese Lady and green tea leaves and looking after my plants. I also love animals but don't have any at the moment. I used to have two Geckos but sadly they are not with me any more. (I know an iguana is NOT a gecko but it's the nearest I could find!). An iguanaSomething else I do when I have time is to wander around this beautiful city and enjoy all the wonderful architecture.

Why not see it for yourself? Just click on the link smiley - peacedove

Well, well, things are looking up, people are taking notice and have even left messages which has inspired me to decorate my page a little. I'm gradually getting the hang of the ML stuff which just goes to prove that it's not true you can't teach an old dog new tricks! smiley -

Are you still there,, would you like to add a message? While you're here, make yourself at home. How about some smiley - , smiley - or smiley - and some smiley - or if you'd like something stronger there's always smiley - , smiley - , smiley - or smiley - ...


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dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

Researcher U202180


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