Steve Clennell


I'm going to do a very bad thing and start with an apology. I first encountered this site some months ago. I was thrilled and immediately registered as a researcher. I had just started a very nice job that fortunately (or unfortunately) alowed me a lot of free time, which I spent surfing the web.

As you would expect, this situation did not last for long. Because of my lack of home internet access and my increasing workload, I will be a sporadic contributor. This means that you're unlikely to get any articles from me - just contributions to message boards.

So sorry about that - particuarly to 'Blue Shark' and anyone else lokking forward to an article on Godzilla.

My main interests are football, current affairs, fiction and religion. On the latter point, I'm an athiest and have an unhealthy predeliction for discussions with Christians - particularly fundamentalists.

Oh, and apologies for the unpronouncable/replicable name. It's the real name of 'the Subtle Knife' in the book by Phillip Pullman. I just like it.

Anyway, I'll leave the introduction that I originally wrote intact:


If you're reading this through a desire to know more about the above named individual then you have my pity!

Seriously (or not) I, like most people, have an irrational desire to let people know about me and, should you decide to stay and read on, that is just what I shall do now:

I was born on 21st August 1979, in West Auckland, Co. Durham, England. I have lived in Barnard Castle (where my parents still reside) and (bizzarely) South Korea. I went to University in Bradford studying first Chemical Engineering and, when that became too mind-numbingly boring, Technology & Management. At Uni. I excelled at finding distractions from my studies and wrote for the student union magazine, "Scrapie". Indeed, for a while I was Sport Editor of the magazine.

Sod this...

I am even boring myself now! So here's some (not very well) selected facts:

I support 2 football teams - Tottenham Hotspur and Bradford City

I love reading books (particularly fantasy and science fiction). I have just finished the "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Phillip Pullman. I heartily recommend these books to anyone with a love of fiction.

I have 3 tattoos on my upper arms.

I love films of all sorts but, for pure entertainment, I love Godzilla and Jackie Chan films.

I work in a brewery and love my job - and the products!

I am somewhat locquacious and you will have trouble getting a word in edgeways in conversation with me.

There really isn't that much of interest to strangers so I'll leave you now.



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Æsahættr: Googling Fool (sorry, sorry, sorry - I'm not changing it now though)

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