Researcher 208309 - his space

on the home front…

This researcher has spent much of his time of late investigating his old schools and has produced two fully referenced Guide Entries*, viz:
  1. Beeston Fields County Secondary School.
  2. The Church Street Schools.

both of which, in summary form, have been posted on the Friends Reunited School History Message Boards for the edification and entertainment of the local historian and old boys (or girls).

at the coal face…

On the work front, he applied textbook fluid mechanics and heat transfer theory to power station feed and cooling systems, pleasures now set aside in favour of retirement, which may or may not be long and happy - only time will tell.

at play…

He is an aspiring novelist (see Guide Entry A917192) and one time contributor of barbarous and outrageous articles to his retirement association newsletter1, most of which, strangely enough, were published and some of which have been reproduced as Guide Entries, eg, HREF="">The future’s bright, the future’s….pink , et al.

work in progress…

With his brother, he is engaged in putting together the family history, most of the major players being safely dead as are all of those who could at one time have possibly shed some light had they been collared in time. This is not an academic exercise - Researcher 208309 was brought up with parents frequently at odds with each other. That they were ill suited to each other is certain. Also certain, is that there were other factors at play, bottoming out on which has been the subject of much activity but is now unlikely to be resolved.

other (mentionable) habits…

BBC World Service (being an occasional insomniac), BBC R4 The Archers, Today, The World Tonight and Afternoon Play when he can catch it, which is more often than not now, paid employment being a thing of the past and BBC 7. Also, having been put onto it by the producer, to whom he is related albeit by marriage, BBC R3 In Tune. He doesn’t do television.

Last updated - Thursday, 12 July 2007.
1NEAR - Nuclear Electric After Retirement (now defunct).


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Researcher 208309

Researcher U208309


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