
Most people here, in there introduction talk about how crazy they are and how freaky they are in a pathetic attempt to appear interesting. Thing is, I'm not crazy and I'm not going to lie that I am.

I am two people in one. And they both hate each other. And they fight. Complete opposites. Like a yin yang. But angrier. So I call the light side yang and the dark side yin. I do something, the other side gets pissed off, its weird. Guess its natures way of sayang a Scotsman should not breed with an English woman.

I half like that I said that. Yin is angry with yang now as yin does not agree with typing that. Or this. Yin doesn't like whinging. Yin can go f**k himself.

Since yang is being whiny and juvenile, yin will take over.

I love music a lot, Guns N' Roses are my favourite band and I play both guitar and bass.

Politically, I'm leaning towards the libertarian left. I'm very against the monarchy as the idea of tax money going to rich family and that this rich family is above the law seems extremely backward and elitist to me. I want to take it down.

Anyway. Thats it.

P.S The Yin Yang thing is a joke, I do not suffer from schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. I am just naturally weird.


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