Tanzen in the street....

smiley - lighthouseI am Commander Kaðlín Goatpuncher, Yes Man/Weapons detail, of A2941517. We're recruiting now!!! Come to the Recruitment Office to join up with us--F1874916?thread=472860. ....Come and Join the Crew of the Viking Ship Lifthrasir--- A2941517. WARNING: This ship is NOT for Berserkers...smiley - lighthouseThe signs of the zodiac


Well, I don't know what to say...really....this was so unexpected....I just want to thank you all for being so....kind....

Sorry - wrong spiel....

There's not a lot to say. Idle hands are the devil's playground apparently...so it's a toss up between being here and sending nasty emails to people I don't like. So I've opted for here. For now. That's it really :)
A Witch

Just for the record...I can be reached outside of the hootoo universe (where I do exist every now and again) at:
[email protected]

And on that note, I'm sure I have things to do...?

*wanders off with standard confused look on face*

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