When I'm good, I'm very very good.

Hathornefer - Who am i?

A shop front

Hi, my name is Johanna. I was born in East London (UK) in 1968 and still live close to my (small) family in the same area.

I work for a major UK bank in their IT department as a systems tester, and am undertaking a B.Sc (Hons) degree in Geography at Birkbeck College (University of London). I have worked for the bank for 17 years now, and have just completed year 3 (of 4) at university. Although I have only just started preliminary readings for my thesis at the moment I am hoping it will look at the demographics of The Becontree Estate comparing now to those whom it was originally designed for.


Almost permanently online when I am at home I go by the nickname Hathornefer, and have my own personal website. For relaxation, I enjoy watching films – at home or the Cinema. I am not a fan of the average Hollywood blockbuster, preferring the more obscure such as art-house, Italian horror and… anything in English not from Hollywood.

I am also quite passionate about the City Building Series of computer games such as Pharaoh and Emperor. It was from playing Pharaoh I got my online nickname.

Given an inordinate amount of time I would like to contribute lots to H2G2, but fear my contribution will be rather limited for a couple of years while I finish my current studies.

Hathornefer - What do I do here?

Party decorations inside the palace

I have very recently joined the ranks of H2G2's ACEs - Assistant Community Editors. This means I go around meeting new researchers and point them in the direction of things I believe they would like. The ACEs are upstanding members of h2g2 who are always available to provide a polite and friendly helping hand (... and find the new users list useful.)

Who is online right now?

Hathornefer - Where you'll find me

At the moment most of my time is spent lurking. I am however a Knight of H2G2 (the Knight of disturbed sleep) and a United friend of H2G2. In the recent past I have started walking up to complete strangers and saying hello - the jury is still out as to my sanity .

Please feel free to wander round my space and say hello if you like. The kettle is always on for tea and cake!



smiley - earth

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Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

Researcher U218182

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