Ahoy All

As a longtime (relatively) fan of DNA I felt I needed to put something down on H2G2. I am a passionate member of the literati and enjoy reading classical texts in their original language. Just kidding, I'm a 20-something security guard who spends most of my free time nosed into a book and enjoy a myriad of authors. Right now my favorites are DNA, Irvine Welsh, Frank Herbert, Hunter S. Thompson, Richard Dawkins, Kurt Vonnegut, Arthur C. Clark, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and JRR Tolkien.
Personally I enjoy writing and am currently working on a series of essays about rage and mediocrity of the post-Gen Xer in middle class America. Sounds like alot but really it is just about why kids are so angry nowadays. I have an odd style that really just me talking to myself. I would like anyone who reads one of my entries to comment on it and to all you ACE's out there, I know my style isn't as objective and referenced based as you want but I feel I still would be a good addition to the finished guide. After all isn't variety the spice of life?


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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