Mark Ed Blacks Backyard

Hi Everyone!

Im Mark Ed Black, Dealing with a lot of stuff all over the universe, particulary on Earth. In a while you'll get to know more about me, since Im in a cind of hurry right now, dealing with some guys from Viltvodle VI...

favorite newspaper - The Northern Light
favorite book - besides Douglas Adams, LOTR
favorite comic strip - The Far side
favorite century - 9th (Vikings, yeah! and some mysterious dealing at Ursa Minor)
favorite thing - My starship; Sputnik 76, built on Arkintoofle Minor(powerd by bad news)
favorite color - Greenish Red
favorite Fish - Salmon (stirred, not shaken)
favorite water - The fresh water of Bingolfaia 7
favorite monkey - Julius
favorite past life - When I was a hyperinteligent male lynx
favorite sport - Coat Throwing
favorite moon - Insomnia plexus
favorite mythical creature - Griff
favorite religion - The artificial one, with the artificial god
favorite tree - Bonsai moneytree


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Mark Ed Black

Researcher U237010


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