Speed Cameras

Hi folks,
My nickname suggested that I am a supporter of speed cameras, but I shortened it because it also made me look a bit of a twit, but don't stop reading just yet.
I do also have a dislike for the things and like so many of those who are against them, there is nothing that I would like to see more than their riddance.
Now, I am not sitting on any fences here, but am trying to take the debate in a new direction. I recognise their importance and yet am also acutely aware of their vulnerability, yes they do have one...
Speed camera policy is working, but at the same time it is failing.
There is a better way to improve our road safety and it can be done with less speed cameras.
Strangely my first entry is a poem, or more like an ode to Santa. I was inspired to write something by a six year old friend of my daughters although it didn't turn out as planned. The ode is called 'Santa got a Nippy' and is about when Santa got a speeding ticket. The kids like it anyway...

Some of you are aware that I came here after following the links from another BBC site and was quite frankly amazed by how welcoming, friendly and creative the people here are. I will endeavour to contribute more over the comming year to these pages..

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