
32834 is such an impersonal number don't you think? I would have much prefered something like 32802 or even 28769 would have done. Oh well.

I guess I probably should say something about myself here, but I doubt anyone is really going to be bored enough to read it. Just in case, I'm prepared to reveal that I'm interested in juggling and like playing around with kites. I've also been known to unicycle, but not for very long!

I've been reading (and doing the odd bit of writing for) H2G2 on and off since the original Tomorrows World launch and I'd still continually amazed by the quality of articles people submit on a voluntary basis. With mobile devices starting to now reach the level of technology required for a real-life Hitchhikers Guide, it's a good job we'll have some entries to put in it when it's here!

By the way, this page looks much nicer in Goo

About the name...

No, I'm not a Cabby, it's actually short for Cabbageii, which was my character name on an old MUD called Shades which used to run as part of the Viewdata Micronet service, back before all this new-fangled web malarky. It subsequently came along with me onto Gods1 and Drealm2 and now onto H2G2.

Of course, how I ended up with Cabbageii is another story entirely...

Shamless plug...

While you're here, why not head off somewhere else ;-) and have a look at my new website? It looks at predictions , lottery predictions and has a number of ways of predicting the future. It's even got articles on Nostradamus and Astrology amongst other things.

Today's Prediction...

Find out what the future holds for today, as predicted by the mighty 'Chien Tung' Fortune Sticks! Click here to part the mists of tomorrow...3

A career that never was...

Writing with a pen

At one point in my life I was convinced I was going to be a writer. This could well indicate that it was a good thing I wasn't counting on it!

Some Guide Links...

These are mostly here for my own benefit, but feel free to use them!

I've also just become a Sub, joining with these fine people...and here are the entries I've subbed which have made it into the guide this far
Richard IIITexas Bock BeerAmazons by Don DeLilloThe High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation Led ZeppelinRestless Leg SyndromeVomiting in NZElizabeth BathoryBaton Rouge - Louisiana

...and finally

A sleepy chameleon on a clock -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
Version: 3.12
GCS/CC/L d+(-) s+: a- C++ UL+++$ P+++$>++++ L++>+++ !E W++
N++ o-- K? w O- ?M V PS+(+) PE- Y+ PGP t 5 X+ R tv+ b+++
DI++ D++ G e+++ h r y+

1Lap of the Gods, another MUD2Dwarven Realm, but you get the idea by now..3If I haven't got around to updating this, the mists of tomorrow may well seem very similar to the mists of yesterday and indeed today. The management makes no claims for the correctness of any information imparted by the 'Chien Tung'. Actual future may differ from that predicted. No animals were harmed in the making of this prediction. Future events are closer than they appear. Open packet before consuming.


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Researcher U32834

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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