Metheglen. (Me)

Metheglen but usually shortened down to Meth.

Place to track me down and kill me:
Anywhere but California - I don't live in California, honest.

Software engineer, but only while I get my act together and become a writer.

I am frequently confused with being male.

Marital status:
I don't know who you are, but I will find you.

40 of your earth years.  18 if you want to know how old I feel, and about 6 is how old I act.

Webpage: - it is due for a large upgrade soon - and has been for the last 12 years

H2G2 fan since:
I can't really remember - I remember listening to the show with m' Mum when it first came out on radio...  so whenever that was.

Hobbies/interests/what do I do to pass time:
I play ultimate, also I like to read, mess about with computers, swim, go to the cinema get drunk, do magic and have sex - but not necessarily in that order.

What's my purpose here:
My Epistemology is that what I do and say is my business, and anyone is and should be free to do and say what he(she) feels.  My purpose is to help other people think - specifically about language.

Preferred shoe-lace tying method:
Sherilyn Fenn taught me to use my tongue, but generally I don't worry about it - I knot them and throw the ends into the shoe 

Zapper or non-zapper?:
Like, Totally, fer sher - gag me with a spoon!

Do I have a life? :
Yup - I keep it in a jar by the door - what is it for?

I prefer real poo
Have I ever gone skinny dipping?:
Yes - but the water was very cold, and I didn't really put on a good show.

Favorite colour:
I don't have one - it used to be blue, but all I can say is that Purple is the colour of freedom. (Aubergines Unite!)

Have I ever been convicted of a crime?:
Nope, but I have been accused of being an IRA terrorist - which I am not.

Words or phrases I overuse:
I think what you really mean is.... and "basically"

Whats my bed time?
That depends on who's asking ;-)

Most humiliating moment:
Being mostly unembarrassable, I think that the most humiliating moment has to be the skinny dipping thing - unless you ask U26840 - who can probably come up with something.

Lots - but all of the stuffed variety - specifically Ashby the Teddy-dog, and Edward Bear 

Craziest person or silliest I know:
U26840 - has to be - but he isn't crazy - he's just zis guy, you know? 

Favourite food:
@oomiss' lasagna - I would kill for it I really would

Favourite drink:
Not Coffee (though that is up there) - I really like GIN!

Favourite quote :
It's a small apartment, I've barely enough room to lay my hat and a few friends. (Dorothy Parker)
There's just enough room to swing a cat - provided it's reasonably patient and doesn't mind a few nasty knocks about the head (DNA)

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Researcher U33128

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