I'm a greasey Engineer

Hey, well it's introduction time. My real name is Danny, I'm 24, and i've been around on this site for a few years now (reminisces back to the pre-beeb days). Got here by way of being a fan of Douglas's work, and also because I couldn't get the hang of Thursdays either!

For the life history bit, born and bred in Sheffield, moved to Derby for University, and lived in Southampton for a year. Finished Uni with a 2:1 in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and I am now pursuing a career in that after a year (of HELL) working for a large PC retailer. I enjoy Karate, drinking (real ales, drink for the taste, not the alcohol, which is a nice side effect), Dungeons and Dragons, computing, loud music (rock in particular), football, driving and having a good laugh wherever i am!

I am also a frustrated poet, which is something I hope to rectify in the near future, so watch this space.




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