Who am I?

Wow, what a big question. Who am I? Well, I'm Chris, to start with. That doesn't give a lot of information in and of itself. I live in Boulder, Colorado (unfortunately) and I'm planning on moving away as soon as I can. I'm definitely a big-city kind of guy, and Boulder/Denver/whatever else is around here just doesn't cut it. I'd like to move to New York City, actually. I've visited for a few weeks at a time, and absolutely fell in love. It seems that just about everyone from my high school is moving there too, which is vaguely odd. We could all just get a big "Denver" house or something. If that actually happened, though, I'd go insane. I don't think I could backtrack to the whole high school stage of my life without killing someone. So other than my name and where I live...what else can I tell you about me? I like sunshine. And water. They're both very nice bits of nature. I consider myself to be rather preppy, I suppose. Ironed button-ups and so on. I have never, however, bought anything from Tommy Hilfiger or Abercrombie and Fitch. I do more of the silk-shirt preppy. I work at the University of Colorado at Boulder, making web pages. I just graduated with a degree in molecular biology. Hmm. More on me later. Why don't you write and tell me about you? Yay!

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Researcher U43730

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