I'm back, baby!

The new home of the spiders: smiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spidersmiley - spiderPlease donate to the Spider Sanctuary smiley - tongueoutA Newton's Cradle

To avoid confusion: Persephone = P-er-s-eh-f-oh-n-ee smiley -

47-(4/(6/6)/4)-4 = 42 smiley - spork

Greetings .Welcome to the mad world of Persephone.

----BEGIN H2G2 CODE BLOCK---- Version: 1.1

RGB Y++ N+ SG A+++ P+++ L—M S+ V E- PR- p- a- B TV++ r+ D T++ nh? C++>+++ t+++


You want to join the PIIB

The Liberator from blake's 7, yes I am that sadHere be spaceships

You want to join the PIIB

News Flash: Martians have taken over the planet. Prepare for the end. Goodbye. smiley - geek

smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek

My Memberships:

The Evil Army of H2G2

Member of the
Evil Army of H2G2
N N Approved by the founding four. ü

The Assassin's Guild
The H2G2 Assassin's guild
smiley - ghost
nil mortifi sine lucure

The Shadow Realm
Shadow Realm
Visit us Here

The PIIB: Leader of the Time and Relative Defence and Internal Services Squad! smiley - brrsmiley - tardis

smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek

My Geek Army:1

smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek
smiley - geeksmiley - aliensmilesmiley - geeksmiley - geeksmiley - geek

I got bored, so...

...I'm Gonna Pelt you with fish
smiley - fish
smiley - hsif
smiley - huh
smiley - orangefish
smiley - schooloffish

smiley - geek

smiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardissmiley - tardis


The Many DoctorsActor William Hartnell as 

the first 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

Why not sign up for the PIIB?

smiley - brrSoldier.

smiley - brrsmiley - rocketSpace ship crew Member.

smiley - brrsmiley - galaxyGalaxy conqueror.

smiley - brrsmiley - peacesignNegotiator.

smiley - brrsmiley - handcuffsJail guard.

smiley - brrsmiley - dontpanicMoral Officer.

smiley - brrsmiley - chefCook.

smiley - brrsmiley - doctorMedical Officer.

smiley - brrsmiley - geekIT officer.

smiley - brrsmiley - jesterEntertainment officer.

smiley - brrsmiley - scientistScience officer.

smiley - brrsmiley - seniorSenior officer.

smiley - brrsmiley - skiAlpine attack soldier.

smiley - brrsmiley - drumrollDrummer.

smiley - brrsmiley - lurkMember of the stealth squad.

smiley - brrsmiley - planetPlanet Destroyer

smiley - brrsmiley - fullmoonMember of the lone wolf squad.

smiley - brrsmiley - tardisA member of The Attack and Retaliative Defence of the Internal Services squad.

smiley - brrsmiley - sporkA member of the Close Quarters Attack Squad.

smiley - brrsmiley - drunkDrinks Officer.

smiley - brrsmiley - cheesecakeCrew member on the Cheesecake of Death.

Name: Skills: U Number: What rank would you like here?

Actor Patrick Troughton 

as the second 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

Actor Jon Pertwee as the third 

'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

Actor Tom Baker as the fourth 

'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

I'm going to click the post button for no particular reason...and I don't care where it goes. Sign on the dotted line, in blood if you like .....................

Actor Peter Davison as the 

fifth 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

Actor Colin Baker as the sixth 

'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

Actor Sylvester McCoy as 

the seventh 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

Actor Paul McGann as the 

eighth 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

Actor Christopher 

Eccleston as the ninth 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

http://www.sfogszero.com/forum Please visit here, it's lonely

smiley - sheepIsmiley - sheep
Sign- On

Actor David Tennant as the 

tenth 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.

And finally, the long awaited...Actor Matt Smith as the 

eleventh 'Doctor Who'. Graphic by Jimster.Goodbye!!!
1Spot the intruder


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Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Researcher U4746644

Former ACE


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