
What is it?

The pseudonym of an anonymous code-monkey studying genetic algorithms in Birmingham. Currently living on Jack Daniels and little sleep. How I feel most days

Lived and worked in France (Lille) and the US (silicon valley) as well as West Yorkshire, Peterborough and Birmingham.

I work in a bar to supplement my meagre stipend. Finding it pretty tough going at the moment as I seem to have too much year at the end of my money.

Moving down to London shortly to begin my career (phase 2) with a company called Sapient. Never lived in the big smoke before, having grown up in a little vilage near Halifax, so it's daunting and exciting at the same time.

In my spare time I like 2 walk across blasted moorlands (not really possible here in Brum). Failing that I'll swim or do some physical jerks in the Gym. This is necessary because I'm a bit of a gastronome. Food - I love it. Cooking, eating, you name it - I love it. When I'm not eating here I'm travelling to other countries and eating there. I'll try anything once (somethings I'll try hundreds of times). Also pretty fond of Yoga and Tai'Chi. I find I have a tendancy to stress and they help me get some perspective back.

I practice aromatherapy and herbal remedies. I come from a line of wise women so it's only natural I picked up the bug. I'm also very nomadic. I tend not to put down deep roots and I get itchy feet if I'm anywhere for a too long. It gets pretty lonely sometimes, but there's a big old world out there and I intend to experience as much of it as I can whilst I'm still here.

I travel light, so material possessions are few. One thing I do have (too many) of is books. I'm a voracious reader and my tastes are varied. One I do return to time and time again though is Terry Pratchet. Good escapist fun that maks you realise life isn't all that bad. And of course HHGG - well thumbed, well loved and still being re-read today.

That about wraps me up. Back to my pesky little chromosomes.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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