Hello, world!

Cheer up? WHY?!?

Musicians' Guild Member

For the new year (2008), I've decided to write a completely NEW introduction for myself.

I am a student/musician and I'm loving every minute of my life. I play saxophone, piano, oboe, ocarina, and guitar. I hope, in the future, to learn to play bagpipes, banjo, and theremin. I am also learning German, although, as yet, I'm not very good. I am a tennis fiend. I will listen to any kind of music, as long as it's good. I have a vague dislike for television, but I love films and the internet. I read poetry, fiction, some non-fiction, and anything else that catches my eye. I have a very silly and easily-angered cat named Vanessa. She is a proud portion of P.U.D.D.I.N.G. (For more information on that, click the icon above). I love food and tea and chocolate.

My favorite color is irrelevant, as I like all colors of the rainbow. My favorite song definitely Dvorak's Slav(on)ic Dance Op. 46, No. 7, but I also really enjoy Gogol Bordello and Joanna Newsom, and a host of other artists in most genres.

I will talk to anyone who talks to me, so feel free to do just that.

Another thing: I love all of Douglas Adams' work(well, yes, if I didn't I wouldn't be here!), and my favorite H2G2 book is Life, the Universe, and Everything. I am also a die-hard fan of SST(Starship Titanic), which I own. I love quoting the Parrot and making any possible DNA references, too.

That'll be it for my new introduction, I should think.


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