Mr. Shower Touchie: Layabout Extraordinaire

<P> Okay, I am now going to attempt to explain that rubbish which is either or both aforementioned and yet to be seen, and perhaps, if you're lucky, both (I don't know what that's supposed to mean, so don't bother asking).
Now that I've explained that bit, I'd like you to tell me a bit about yourself. My real name is Andrew Mosier, and I find that it's quite easy to become dangerously bored. If you want to take a peek at my website...go here:</P>
<p align="center"><a
href="" >"><img
src="" >" border="0"></a></p>
<p align="center">To have a gander at my profile, click on my maniacal picture.</p>
<p align="center"><a
href="" >"><img
src="" >" border="0"></a></p>


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Mr. Shower Touchie

Researcher U55790

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