Me, me and myself

I must be one of the laziest writers on the face of the planet. Yes, Im one of those writers who want to have written, as apposed to actually write. I mustnt be too harsh on myself, as I do love writing. Im just VERY lazy.

As for my writing experience, I did do two weeks work experience with The Face, suffice to say they have now been liquidated. Ive had some letters published in magazines and newspapers, all very embarrassing but still pride and joy in my scrapbook.

So far, Ive finished a rough draft of one of my books. It took me long enough, but needs a lot of re-writes. Im very please Ive actually got round to finishing it, even if the last chapter is a paragraph long!

Ive also written half of another book, but its one of those things that Im going from one to another when I get frustrated!

I do dabble in other stuff, I like to write off the cuff satire staring my mates, the last masterpiece I did was Monkey: Reloaded a piss-take on The Matrix films. I thought it was funny.

Recently, Ive been turned down by Mc Sweeneys as they didnt like my satire on Luke Skywalker. Swine!


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