Good evening, and Salutations

Well, I'm here, and I guess I need to fill this out... I'm David, a (generally) happy resident of Phoenix, AZ, USA. That's in the southwest, bordering Mexico, for all of you that don't know US geography. My hobbies include computer/video games, computers, and origami. I keep trying to learn to program1, but it never actually happens. Most of my time is spent at school and on the computer, though I roleplay on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and, also on Wednesday, I go to my local SCA (Society for Creative Anachronisms) meeting and play Rogue's Field (medieval wargames with padded weapons [hitting people with sticks]).

Version: 3.12
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Liberté Egalité Fraternité Insanity

ééIn the Magician's Guild. éé

1Clan ThingThingite of Doomliness and Other Assorted Misguided Doingssmiley - spork,


1So far, I've tried Perl, Pascal, and Visual C++. I'll be learning C++ for school next year, so I'll have some motivation.2You can find out more about the Geek Code at


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DarkElf - Thingite of Doomliness and Other Assorted Misguided Doings - 6*(92/8)-(9*3)

Researcher U692893


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