Hi! I'm PieZetti, Hitchhikers Guide Field Researcher 79737, and this is my place!

Why am i here? What do i do? Why am i wasting my hard-earned free time here? Why don't i capitalize my i's? Enough about you! This is MY place! So sit back and relax.... ;-)

It's very exciting to be a field researcher for the Hitchhiker's Guide. My preoccupation? I'm a BIG fan of Douglas Adams and all of his work. I've read all of the Hitchhiker's guiude books. Many times. Same goes for just about everything else that Adams has written and published. I'm a fan of lots of British comedy, but Doug Adams and Monty Python are my specialities. FANATIC is a good description.

I'm a 23 year-old American college student, residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. My occupation? Well, simply put, I'm an entertainer. I'm a musician (trombone player) and a magician. A singer, but not a dancer. I'm a writer, a joker, a juggler, a comedian, a sneak, cheat, and a liar. I'm a clown, and a psychic; a mimic and an pretender. I'm an actor, and a stroyteller; a fraud and the real thing. I'm a philosopher and a scholar; a quiz master and a lazy good-for-nothing.
I've been accused of many other things, but I feel that ENTERTAINER is a nice, round, all-encompassing description.

But most of all, I'm very excited about being a field researcher. So please, read my Journal and Guide entries, and tell me what you think! :-)

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Howdy! Nov 21, 1999


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Researcher U79737

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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