Whois Koshana

With a heart that beats out the rhythm of an African Drum and DNA that coursed the blood of Vikings, Koshana is a child of the New World. Boundaries blurred with crossings, liniages smudged through time - Koshana belongs to no one "people", no one cultural clan. "Only those who know no king truly understand what it is to honour bridges above barricades".

Roots anchored firmly in the air, Koshana dances with trees and bathes in the silvery caress of the moon. If the world about her is her inner life - reflected outward - Koshana's inner world is a rich trove of life experiences lived on the edge - in technicolor. "If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room".

"My soul's home will always be in Africa. Live vibrates here in stark relief. Mendacity dies in the face of the extremes of poverty and the simple joy, radiating from hearts whose hands are dust-dried and emptied.
Love leads us inward when we exhaust our outward struggle, and the beauty of that journey would take up a thousand volumes of raw eloquence in introduction. So too, the despair and darkness that leads us inward.
In my darkest days, it has been the hands of those that have dared to share pieces of their souls in strung pearls of written words that have wrenched me free of inner turmoil. I write to return to a sea of wisdom some small part of the nurturance I have devoured through my bookworm days and long chaptered nights."

Koshana lives as she loves, as she thinks and as she believes - intensely and with all of her being. Koshana is unique - just like everyone else.


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