Xavier the Magic Penguin

I Like Penguins!!!

Penguins in Antarctica

I'm not Really a Penguin

Okay, I'm not really a penguin, but Xavier the Penguin sounds good doesn't it? Things I like:




Xavier the Penguin Legends(well, legend actually - but I plan to add more! Really, I do!)

Here is where I am writing some legends about me that I wrote. Well, not just about me but... oh well, just read them!

How Computers came to Antarctica

As a young penguin, Xavier liked to invent machines... out of snow. Many people would think this was impossible, and it is-in the human world. In the penguin world, it is different. Penguins have a different way of seeing things. They could look at a lump of snow and think. "I think that lump of snow would be perfect for making a lamp!".

Now, Xavier started inventing things when he was about 1 year old. It all started when he built an electric toboggan. The leader of his penguin school found out about Xavier's invention and sent him into the human world to show this to a fanous human inventor.

The inventor liked Xavier's creation, but didn't think that it would be very popular with other humans. The inventor told Xavier about some inventions that were popular, such as the computer and the internet. When the inventor showed Xavier how the computer worked, Xavier said "I know the perfect lump of snow at home to make one of these!". He then thanked the inventor and went home. At home, he used that lump of snow to make the computer, and it was a huge sucess.

And that is how computers came to Antarctica.

Other "Stuff"

I know Puffypants outside of h2g2.

I am a member of the

Chocolate Lovers

I am a friend of Tibet.

Free Tibet!

Link to h2g2 Friends of Tibet.
om mani padme hum

Link to h2g2 Friends of Tibet.

I am a Thingite.

Liberté Egalité Fraternité Insanity

Liberté Egalité Fraternité Insanity

smiley -

Fooling around with Guide ML

Some of the Guide ML I know:



smiley -


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Xavier The Magic Penguin. I don't really have much else to say.

Researcher U828249


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