Strange and Mundane

Are you the sort to whom lovely weather isn't a sunny day? Do you love the rain? Would you prefer it cooler rather than hotter? Or do you perhaps just get annoyed with the assumptions weathercasters make about what a 'good' day is? If so, why not pop along to Society Against Weather Discrimination ? It's in it's infancy (heck it's not even crawling yet), but maybe it can become more....

Welcome to the den of the lupine one. Come in, sit yourself around the fire. Oh and mind the recliner, I think my claws have done a little too much to it and the stuffing and springs aren't as secure as they should be. Now, would you like some refreshment? I'm afraid I'm not one for alcohol much these days, restricting myself to a beer on social occasions and a scotch or port on special occasions. However I can do you a coffee or a herbal tea? Or perhaps normal tea if you prefer. Let's see, somewhere around here I have the sugar and moo-juice. Ah, here we are, I'll let you add those as you like since I always overdo it. It's a weakness of mine.

Who am I? Well as you can tell from the 'Researcher tag', I'm known in this time and place as doreiwolf. I'm known in many other places, and miscellaneous times, as doreiwolf too, or in some cases just Wolf. My wife has even received snail-mail addressed to 'Mrs Wolf'.

"The sooner I start, the sooner I can fall behind"
- doreiwolf

Now why on earth would a wolf, like myself, whose age is open to debate, have to say that's useful, or interesting, to you? That's a good question, and one I'll let you answer. You may in fact, find yourself incredibly bored with all I have to say. Or you may regard me as the highest of the high when it comes to dispensing knowledge. If the former is the case, then you're still welcome to sit and enjoy the fire and refreshments. If the latter is the case then I recommend you drink something soothing, like chamomile tea, and lie down for a bit until reality reasserts itself.

"You really are at 90o to the rest of the world"
- Workmate

I suppose I've not really told you much about myself, have I? Perhaps I'm the mysterious sort who disappears from view in the blink of an eye? Hardly. More usually you'll find me engaged in my favourite occupation: talking. Sometimes I talk about myself, mostly about things which interest me; which can be anything from a paperclip to stealth technology. If you're not careful I'm likely to talk your ear off. The only time I don't talk as much is when I'm asleep and even then I've apparently had some strange conversations.

"The way you think of things is just frightening"
- Mrs Wolf

Where was I? Oh yes. Now as you'd probably guess from my pseudonym I'm interested in both wolves and David Eddings, in that order.

What else? Hmm, well I'm one of a number of Australians in H2G2. Yes, yes, I know an Australian wolf is unlikely. Well too bad, I'm here to stay. I'm also a Wiccan and have been for some time. If you're interested, perhaps you'd like to drop by A Wiccan Forum, hosted by the ever interesting bluDragon for a cup of herbal tea and a chat? Or perhaps visit the page of my anam cara munky.

"The way my dog urinates is known as 'fire and forget'"
- doreiwolf

I'm now also part of an exhibit called h2g2 Natural History Museum run by Amy the Ant, though why anyone would want to put me in a museum, let alone come to see me there is a curiosity.

What more can I say?

"You think of wierd things."
- Mrs Wolf

While I'm waffling on in my usual manner I'll mention the SETI@Home project, which I'm part of. From the famous Arecibo Observatory, which houses the world's largest single dish radio telescope, scientists are listening out for transmissions from space. Participate in this project for the search for extraterristrial life with other h2g2 Researchers on The SETI@home Project. If you do take part, there is a small but captivating possibility that your computer will be the one to first detect a message transmitted from an alien civilisation.


Pages I want to wander back to:
Image uploading, Freedom from Faith Foundation, Writing Workshop, What's Coming Up, Peer Review


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doreiwolf (why not try A682652?) (Alpha Low Thingite Patron, Defender of Wibble, Pagan Younger and Official Pooper Scooper)

Researcher U83693

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