I wish I knew what I was, then I may be able to introduce myself

If you come into my head you will notice, against the soundtrack of opera vocals, a distinct filing cabinet system. There are many area's in the filing cabinet, and just like all earthly filing cabinets, pieces of information may unexpectedly get lost and resurface in another filing cabinet.

There are even two rooms in my head for filing cabinets. On the left you will notice a neat row of multicoloured filing cabinets, some of the colours outside of the spectrum. These contains both minor and major information on the things I like, the things that make me who I am, the things that are just fun. A small draw is there for a card game called Magic the Gathering, another draw for different musical knowledge, a whole cabinet is stocked with information about my ever vicious friends and how best to deal with. And as for the pink fluffy filing cabinet with kisses on it, it may not be best to examining that one top carefully.

If you were to peer into the right room, you wouldn't see neat nor tidy filing cabinets. Instead, you'd see an infinite row of them, an infinite messy row. Paper is strewn everywhere, paper is constantly converging from one draw to another, and sometimes paper is just instantly combusting into a pile of ashes. Sometimes ashes will be lest undisturbed for a few months, and a new phoenix will emerge and shortly enter a draw to become a new piece of paper. Sometimes the paper on the floor will be sorted into a cabinet, and sometimes paper from the cabinets will be put onto the floor.

his is the M.U.S.E area, a Multiple Utility Scripture Engine. Here, all of my idea for utilising the tools of language lay. Old ideas for new stories, new ideas for old stories, and new ideas for completely and utterly barmy new stories.

Please try and keep the paper work in some kind of coherent order if you chose to open a filing cabinet.


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