Just when you thought it was safe in the large padded room....

Here I am! I am John. No one has the power to stop me. Unless they happen to be bigger than I am, or smarter, or better looking. Please don't hurt me! Well, this isn't the good stuff, the good stuff is in my journal entries. However, I am going to put a few keywords here to draw more vistors.

Large intestinal parasites....Dead supermodels....Please go away....and on the ninth day God said, "Maybe that wasn't such a good idea."....professional wrestling....ringworm....B*lg**m....old bubblegum....the incredible edible lard....urinary infection....WARNING: FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR USE ONLY....old gym socks....amputated heads....the water in Mexico....my feet.

Well, enjoy the Journals. Special welcome to members of "The List."


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Johnny Carwash

Researcher U91801

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