Obligatory self information

as I have nothing better to do at the moment, here is my about me page.

I originated in a small, north-eastern dutch town, freely translatable as Black Lake, where I was born on the last day of the first week of April, '87.
I eased through the nineties, passing grades in school with the minimal ammount of effort, which I still do, by the way, only now in university classes. The study of Artificial Intelligence, which neatly fits my personal aspirations of having a mutated bionic army later on in life.

Besides that, I find great pleasure in the noble sport of handball, which is a big deal where I'm from.

The remaining spare time I have is mostly spent doing nothing, or sometimes in half started new hobbies, which I will then let fall for a couple of years until I quite fancy it again. (Saxophone, cartooning, writing, etc.)

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