Little bit about myself...

I'm a 28 year old human male from Auckland, New Zealand now living in London. I work in the world of evil computers as a web developer and am currenty working in the city and living in West London.
Long hours in the job during the week become absurd hours over the weekend clubbing in London's famous and not-so-famous club venues, where I change from a 10am-9pm worker to a 10pm-8am clubber.
As you can imagine this lifestyle is hell for my biologial clock, as each lifestyle sets out to gain dominance over the other.

I'm an idealistic young fellow, and the weight of the world is only crushing my spirit slowly. An incurable romantic, searching the world for someone with the same visions of what a relationship ought to be.
Far too moralistic to do anything too naughty, I'm an emotional guy with a remarkable composure and has gut feelings for a conscience.

Oldest of three children, I love my sisters to bits and miss them a whole bunch. As everyone knows, sisters change from one of the worst things to one of the best things in the world when they reach sixteen, thus changing from annoying, irritating gits into intelligent, caring human beings... with attractive friends... there's a positive side effect.

I love to travel, exploring the world with my trusty, rather worn backpack.

My mother comments often that the only way I shall ever notice a female who is trying to get my attention is if she hits me over the head with a hammer. Thanks Mum.


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