Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Okay, here´s a lot of things about me then.

I´m a 20-yo guy from Denmark, who has just finished what I believe is called College in America. Now I´m going to take a sabbathical year, where I´ll hopefully find work at an observatory. Or go to Ireland and work for a year.

I´m quite interested in the world around me, so I find basically every science interesting. But in particular physics and astronomy. And if everything goes well, I´ll end up in Uni next year studying astronomy.(which has _nothing_ to do with horoscopes!).

I also have a huge interests in everything mystical, but I have a skeptic approach to it. Which means I don´t believe in crystal-healing or tarot-cards and that stuff.

The music I listen to is mainly Pop/Rock. Besides the music we have now, I am also a big fan of 60´s music. The Beach Boys is my fave band :)

I am an individual, and therefore doesn´t like fashion or ppl who try to adapt to the norm. I prefer to hang with outcasts and pariahs.

I am an atheist, and have a rather anti-religious attitude, seeing how it has ruined the life of so many ppl. But don´t believe I simply am an atheist because I don´t know anything about the Bible. I know more about it than most Christians I know.

I have a rather dark personality, and is fascinated by the more bizarre things here in life. I don´t worship Satan or idolize serial killers, but why should death be any less interesting than birth?

Well, I will extend this homepage if you wanna wait. But don´t worry, it´s not just a longer version of this biography. I will try to have as little as possible about me on it.


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Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

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